Sound Journeys, Yoga, Tarot, Past Life Regression, and Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Techniques
The tradition of Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on earth, dating back 60,000 years to its roots in Siberia. A shaman is a being who lives and sees through the light of their heart and can guide one through dimensions.
Mally's journey of indigenous wisdom began with the Lakota, then expanded into the jungles of South America with the Kogi.
These ancient people chose Mally to assist in the retrieval of sacred prayer lands, and in appreciation allowed her to learn their shamanic techniques.
Moving to the Beauty Way

The mystery is endless yet it begins with one small step.
A master ceremonialist, Mally creates custom alters and shifts energy fields to guide you through the five elements and the seven directions that connect you with the rhythms of natural law.
Through sacred offerings along the way, the cycles of your life are reviewed, discovering where imbalance occurred and harmonizing your direction forward.
You depart with the awareness of your animal guide and shamanic techniques to integrate and move your spirit on to the beauty way.
90 Minutes - $250
Arising with the Phoenix
The divine is manifest, both invisible and visible and the key to a full life is to own all of your self.
Mally guides you on a journey with your spirit animal to your unconditional heart where you tend your own sacred fire.
With ancient shamanic technique, Mally safely guides you through the art of reincarnating in your own body which awakens your innate imagination and new possibilities emerge.
Guiding you through a Mayan solar practice, with a Peruvian wand, your primordial light is expanded and the cells of your body are revitalized.
You leave holding a singularity and strength arising from the ashes like a phoenix, remembering that you are XTRA-ordinary.

90 Minutes - $250
Your Restless Spirit

From a deep journey to the other side, Mally was guided to use her bright heart and Hasta healing to diminish the spiritual distress causing pain in your physical body.
As you rest on a caribou skin and are surrounded by a grid of Lemurian crystals, energy flows from Mally's heart into your auric field.
Cedar, sage, sweetgrass and juniper are lit and their smoke carries your intentions to co-create healing with God. Egyptian sistrums and ancient oils, Hopi rattles, Alaskan glacial silt, and sacred waters connects you with the fields of mystery where sublime healing occurs.
From a meditative state, Mally creates your personal medicine pouch adding the crystals, oils and ceremonial objects you will take with you to help as you recalibrate your life to wellness.